Noura’s Dream
Feature film
home » Festival 2020 » Noura’s Dream
Hinde Boujemaa | Tunisia, France, Belgium, Qatar | 2019 | drama | 90 min. | Arabic spoken | Dutch subtitles
With a violent husband in jail and two children at home, the hard-working Noura is quite alone. The bright spot in her existence is her secret relationship with Lassaad, with whom she wants to start a new life. But luck threatens to slip through her fingers when her husband is suddenly released, just before her divorce application is due to be approved.
In the portrayal by star actress Hend Sabri, Noura is neither a victim nor an infallible heroine, but an ordinary woman from the Tunisian working class, looking for breathing space within the confines of a suffocating patriarchy. At the Carthage Film Festival, Noura’s Dream won the Tanit d’or for Best Film.
June 25 – July 5 2020 | 00:00
Sphinx Art Productions
Van Hogendorpstraat 199-HS
1051 CA Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0) 20 486 8008