Foreign Body
Feature film
Raja Amari | France, Tunisia | 2016 | drama | 92 min. | Arabic, French spoken | English subtitles
In an interesting mix of thriller and sensual drama, Foreign body follows Samia, an illegal immigrant who fled Tunisia in the aftermath of the Jasmine Revolution. In Lyon, she finds refuge in Imed’s apartement. But his aid and hospitality also generate a feeling of discomfort and fear. Imed is an old friend of Samia’s detained brother, who abused her for many years; and it so happens that the main reason Samia left Tunisia was to escape her brother. In search for a better stay, Samia meets Leila Berteau, a rich and respectable widow, who seems to be fully assimilated. Samia is fascinated by her and sees her as a role model – for Leila, Samia reminds her of her younger self. Things get more complicated as Leila and Imed also take a liking at each other.
from June 25 2020
Sphinx Art Productions
Van Hogendorpstraat 199-HS
1051 CA Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0) 20 486 8008