Feature film
Philippe Faucon | France, Canada | 2015 | drama | 79 min. | Arabic, French spoken | English subtitles
In a French provincial town lives divorcee Fatima with her two daughters. She would do anything to give them a good future; so when her eldest daughter wants to study medicine, she brings her gold jewelry to the pawnshop and takes on an extra cleaning job without complaining. But her low social position annoys her youngest daughter; she reproaches her mother, who has never learned to read and write in French, for being backward.
Fatima expresses her deeper thoughts and feelings in her Arabic diary, full of poetic lyrics that emit their own, authentic voice. This lifelike, heroic and moving portrait was awarded the French Oscar for Best Film in 2016.
from June 25 2020
Sphinx Art Productions
Van Hogendorpstraat 199-HS
1051 CA Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0) 20 486 8008
E-mail: info@cinemaarabe.nl